The answer to that question I posed....
After six months of intense, non-scientific, non-documented, non-relevant to anyone else but myself research on that topic, I have reached the conclusion that the answer is NO.
I have not found a man who is struggling with family/career. There are men struggling with providing for a family, and in this economy, even struggling just to provide for themselves, but none seem to carry around the guilt and stress that women drag around on a daily basis. Nearly every woman I know wakes up every day and yokes herself to a struggle about her appearance and her worth as a person. She may be worried about work, or her kids, her significant other or lack thereof, or her weight, but whatever it is, the average middle-aged American woman is very often worried. And to exacerbate it, she berates herself for wasting time worrying!
I see no other way around it except to just STOP. STOP it! You're not fat. You're not a terrible mother. You're not a failure. You are, in fact, good enough. Better even. Can't keep all the balls in the air? No one can - not all the time! And why is it that men seem to understand this, but we don't? I think it might be because we think there is some trick to understanding. There's not. This is one thing our gender needs to learn from the guys.